Category: General

  • Software Freedom under siege: A Call for Community Action

    In the early 2000s, the future of software freedom seemed bright. Governments worldwide were actively promoting Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), with initiatives like Germany’s LiMux project moving entire cities to Linux, and Brazil mandating open source solutions in public administration. The European Union was discussing interoperability and open standards, while countless public institutions…

  • Checking if a PDF is in CMYK color space under Linux

    Typical instructions to check if a PDF file is in the CMYK color space, require Adobe Acrobat to be installed. The Adobe suite isn’t available under Linux, and more importantly, it’s not Free Software. At first glance, it seems hard to figure out if a document is in the CMYK-color space. Why CMYK is relevant…

  • Stories of origin

    Stories of origin

    Nearly every culture or religion in the world, created a story about the origins… the origin of the world, the origin of humanity, or how their group came into existence and plays a special part in this world. While they are often interpreted as attempts to explain how things came into existence, there is a…

  • Why RTFM is not the answer

    Why RTFM is not the answer

    No matter if it’s on social media, in a product forum or even during the family Thanksgiving meal… You certainly have bumped into those questions where you thought: come on! That’s so obvious, it’s page two of almost every tutorial! You might even be tempted to just point that person to the manual… possibly reducing…

  • Some video primers on Inkscape

    A few years ago, I recorded a handful of tutorials for Inkscape. Some of them were nicely worked out – other ones were merely quickies in response to a question in some Facebook group. Basics: Layers, Objects and paths To understand Inkscape, the first thing you’ll need is to understand the basic concepts of the…