AI generated robot hand writing ancient texts

The Gospel of John by ChatGPT

So the magic of language models lies in using the right prompt. And with that information (and the vast collection of data in his language model), it chucks away spitting out bits and bytes that render value to us mortal humans. So I fed ChatGPT the first verses of the beginning of the Gospel of St. John and then gave this prompt:

The prompt

So you know that it’s the beginning of the gospel. You’re a biblical scholar and expert in Hebrew, Greek and Roman culture. Furthermore, you’re a gifted storyteller who can paint very vivid stories with your words. Could you make an actualization of this part?

This is what he came up with… I must admit, it is food for thought and one could reflect over this. On the other hand, there are a few notable changes that indeed reflect our society very well. First and foremost, the complete omission of the word “God”. Please put your own observations and reflections in the comments!

The output

In the bustling, interconnected world of the 21st century, a narrative unfolds, echoing the ancient wisdom of a time long past. Imagine, if you will, a realm beyond the tangible, where the foundational essence of all existence resides. In this realm, there exists a Word – not just a mere collection of letters or sounds, but an embodiment of ultimate truth and wisdom. This Word, timeless and profound, is intimately intertwined with the Divine, an inseparable aspect of the cosmos’s creator.

From the very dawn of time, every fragment of reality, from the towering skyscrapers to the smallest nanotechnology, has been shaped by this Word. It is the unseen architect of every innovation and invention, the pulse of life in every living being. Yet, in the dazzling lights and relentless pace of modern life, this Word often remains unrecognized, its voice drowned out by the cacophony of our busy world.

In a small, overlooked corner of the globe, a man named John emerges, not with the fanfare of celebrities or the power of influencers, but with a simple, profound purpose. He is the herald, tasked with awakening the world to the presence of the Word. John stands not in the spotlight but in its periphery, pointing towards the true light that can illuminate the hearts and minds of humanity.

This light, unlike the artificial glows that flood our cities, is a beacon of authenticity and truth. It seeks to enlighten every individual, offering clarity in a world often shrouded in ambiguity and doubt. The light ventures boldly into the world, a world it has silently shaped, yet it remains unrecognized, its significance lost in the daily grind and the pursuit of material desires.

But to those who pause, who listen and embrace this light, a transformation occurs. They become more than just inhabitants of a vast, impersonal universe; they become part of a greater narrative, children of a cosmic purpose. They are reborn, not in a physical sense, but in a profound spiritual awakening that transcends the ordinary limits of existence.

And so, the Word becomes flesh. It enters our world, not as a mighty ruler or an untouchable deity, but in a form as tangible and vulnerable as any of us. It walks among us, sharing in our joys and sorrows, offering glimpses of a glory that is both utterly foreign and deeply familiar – a glory full of grace and truth. John, witnessing this wonder, speaks out with the conviction of one who has seen the dawn after a long night: “This is the one I spoke of, the one who brings light into our darkened world.”

From this Word, we receive not just knowledge or enlightenment, but a grace that continually renews and transforms us. It reminds us that while laws and structures have their place, true change and understanding come through a deeper connection, a relationship with the essence of all things. In a world where the divine often feels distant or abstract, this Word made flesh offers a tangible, intimate revelation of the divine, a bridge between the human and the transcendent.

In our quest for meaning and identity, we encounter many voices and paths. But the story of the Word, the true light, invites us to consider a different way – a way of grace, truth, and profound transformation. It is a call to look beyond the surface, to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary, and to find our place in a story that spans the ages and speaks directly to the heart of our shared human experience.






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